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Father Comfesses, Says he Killed his 5 children, after nationwide search(Photo)

Father Comfesses, Says he Killed his 5 children, after nationwide search(Photo)

  A 32-year-old Man Timothy Jones, has confessed to killing his 5 children.The victims, between the ages of two and eight, were found stuffed into garbage bags today near a logging road in Alabama after their father confessed to killing them and led police to the scene, 
According to AFP,the children were reported missing
by their mother on Sept. 3.Jones had joint custody of the children and is divorced from their mother. They said he told neighbors that he and the children were moving to another state.

Marlene Hyder and her husband, Johnny Hyder, said Jones and his wife moved into a house next to them about seven years ago in Batesburg-Leesville, South Carolina,, They said Jones told them he worked in computers. Two years ago, the wife moved in with a male neighbor and Tim Jones moved away with the children, the Hyders said.
Johnny Hyder said the children were often dressed in dirty clothes and were seen home at all hours of the day because Tim Jones had said he didn't believe in the public schools. Hyder said Jones was constantly looking for a reason to argue and often threatened to call the police. He said Jones approached him with a gun on his hip one day and was angry about something, but Hyder couldn't remember what it was. When Hyder said he was going to call police, he said Jones told him it was only a BB gun.
"It wasn't a BB gun,It was a real gun. I know what one looks like, but I didn't want to cause any more trouble."
Marlene Hyder said Jones threatened to kill one of their dogs when it briefly went onto his property.

"He was a nut," she said.

Jones did not reveal a motive for the killings, which took place in South Carolina. He then allegedly dumped the bodies in Alabama.

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